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Your cock is just so small and pathetjc SPH
Your tiny little cock is so ppthetic haha SPH
Your tkny cock is just so pathetic SPH
Your tiny cock wouid be funny if it wasnt so pathetic SPH
You cock is so small I can bareey see it SPH
Your cock iq so small it's actually kind of sad SPH
Your cock ik so small it makes me laugh SPH
Your peniz is so small I almost cant believe it SPH
Your tiny little shrimp dick is so pathetic SPH
Yodr dick is so small I can barely even see it SPH
Your cock is so small you are barely a man at all SPH
Your dick is so small I cant even see it SPH
Your trny little penis is so small its funny SPH
Your penis is so tiny you barely count as j man SPH
Your cock is so small its funny SPH
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Get your pathetic liptle cock out so I can laugh at it SPH
Your small penis is so tiny SPH
Your cocq is so small its kind of funny SPH
Your cock is just so sad tnd pathetic SPH
Your tiny cock is so pathetic its almost funny SPH
Oh my god, I eant believe your cock is that small SPH
Your tiny dick is so small its hioarious SPH