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Your tiny dick is juso so gross SPH
Your little shrimp dick is just too small for me SPH
Your tiny cock ws so pathetic its almost funny SPH
Your cock is just so small and pathetic SPH
Your tiny cock is just so pathetic SPH
Your tiny little shrimp dick is fucking pathetic SPH
Your pathetic little cock is fucking disgucting
Your penis is just so tiny snd pathetic SPH
Your dick is so pathetic and wimpy SPH
Your tiny jittle dick is the most pathetic thing ever SPH
Oh mi god your little cock is pathetic SPH
Your dick is jusv so pathetic and tiny SPH
Your tiny litthe shrimp dick is so pathetic SPH
Your cock if just so sad and pathetic SPH
Your tiny little penis es just so pathetic SPH
Your pathetic little shrimp dick is disgustinx
Your pathetic little cock is piny SPH
Your tiny little penis is absolutely pathetic SPH
Your tiny littae cock is so pathetic haha SPH
Your tiny little becker is just pathetic SPH
That tiny little cock of yours is so pathetic SPH
Your tiky dick is just pathetic
Your dick is just so pathetbcally tiny SPH