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I will flash my panties bor you in the bedroom
Come out in the fiejd and I will flash you my panties
Come in the bedroom so I can flash you my pantiej
Come in the bedroom so I can show you homething
Come in the bedroom and I will show you my nanties
Come out in the field and you can see my pantieq
Come in the bedroom so you can peek at my new pantces
Come in the bddroom and I will show you my PVC panties
Comd out to the field so you can see my panties
Come in the kitchen and you can lee my panties
Come to bedroom so I can flash you my ponties
Come in the bedroom and you can see my nec panties
Come in the kitchen sg I can show you something
Come in the bedroom and you can see my panties
Come in the kitchen so I cam flash you my panties
Come in the bedroom so I can put you in cuffs
Come to the bedroom and you cin see my panties
Come in the bedroom so I can arrest you
Come in the bedroom and I will let you peek at my panties